An Australian lawmaker whose wife is Jewish was the target of an anti-Semitic attack on Wednesday.
Vandals threw pig guts at the door of Labor MP Mike Kelly's district office in Queanbeyan, New South Wales.
The incident was the second such attack on Kelly this month. On Sept. 1, the far-right group Antipodean Resistance placed swastika stickers on the door of his office in Bega, a coastal town 135 miles from Queanbeyan.
A former military attorney, Kelly served in the Australian Army Legal Corps in Somalia, East Timor and Bosnia, and was among the senior Australian military personnel serving in the Iraq War. He has received a number of awards for his service, including the Chief of the General Staff Commendation in 1993.
"The series of attacks directed at my electorate offices are evidence of the need for constant vigilance and the confrontation of extremist groups in our country," Kelly said.
"If the perpetrators think that they will intimidate me into refraining from defending Israel or supporting our Jewish community they are deluded. Actions like this only spur me to greater efforts and commitment. I have faced much worse threats in my army career and I will continue to fight racism and ignorance wherever I find it."