Russian FM: It is unrealistic to expect Iran to ‎withdraw from Syria ‎

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said ‎Wednesday that it would be "absolutely unrealistic" ‎to expect that Iran completely withdraw from ‎Syria once the civil war there ends.‎

Iran has been propping up Syrian President Bashar ‎Assad's regime since the war erupted in March 2011. ‎Russia stepped in to help him fight the rebels in ‎September 2015. ‎

Israel has repeatedly stated it will not tolerate ‎Iranian military presence close to its shared border ‎with Syria. The issue has and remains a major topic ‎of discussion between Prime Minister Benjamin ‎Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin, and it ‎is expected to dominate their next meeting in ‎Moscow, set for July 11.‎

Speaking after a meeting with his Jordanian ‎counterpart Ayman Safadi in Moscow, Lavrov said a ‎proposed cease-fire deal in the southern region ‎brokered by Russia, Jordan and the U.S. envisioned ‎the withdrawal of non-Syrian forces and the ‎deployment of Syrian troops along the border with ‎Israel.‎

However, Lavrov said Iran is "one of the key powers ‎in the region" and therefore it would be "absolutely ‎unrealistic" to expect it to relinquish its ‎interests in the war-torn country. ‎

Regional powers should discuss mutual complaints and ‎negotiate a compromise, he said.‎

Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump will discuss ‎the situation in southern Syria at their upcoming ‎summit in Helsinki, Finland, on July 16.‎

The London-based Arabic newspaper Al-Hayat reported ‎last week that Trump is set to make a full Iranian ‎pullout from Syrian territory a priority at the ‎summit, as the U.S. is convinced that Russia would ‎be unwilling to "pay a heavy price" for Iran's ‎continued presence in Syria.‎