Turkish prime minister terms Israel's Eurovision win an 'imperialistic ‎ruse'‎

With the presidential and parliamentary elections in ‎Turkey only a week away, Turkish Prime Minister ‎Binali Yildirim has found a new way of discrediting ‎Israel in hopes to score political points – the ‎Eurovision song conwwww. ‎

Israeli singer ‎Netta Barzilai won the 2018 ‎Eurovision ‎in Lisbon, Portugal, in May ‎with her ‎catchy techno-dance tune "Toy." ‎

Turkey pulled out of the annual song contests in ‎‎2012 citing dissatisfaction with the rules of the ‎competition. ‎

"Israel only knows how to kill - not sing," Yildirim ‎said Saturday. He further claimed that the winning Israeli ‎song was "not good" telling local media that the ‎‎"imperialists" – the judging countries – "changed ‎the rules" to ensure that next year's Eurovision ‎would be held in Jerusalem, something he predicted ‎would "spark a religious war."‎

‎"They let Israel win even though it didn't have ‎enough points, so it could host the competition," he ‎said.‎

Yildirim ‎also attacked Barzilai ‎personally, saying, ‎‎‎"She can't sing." ‎

The prospect of holding the 2019 Eurovision song ‎contest in Jerusalem has already sparked ‎controversy. Earlier in June, the European ‎Broadcasting Union, an alliance of ‎public service ‎broadcasters that organizes the contest, asked ‎Israel to find an ‎alternative venue rather than ‎Jerusalem for the contest, citing the "politically ‎‎charged" nature of the Israeli capital.‎