Terrorist mortar salvo on Israel draws ‎widespread ‎condemnation

The mortar barrage by Palestinian terrorists on southern Israel drew ‎wide-spread ‎condemnation on Tuesday, with multiple ‎nations denouncing the unprovoked fire on civilians ‎and asserting Israel's right to self-defense. ‎

The United States called for an emergency ‎meeting of ‎the U.N. Security Council over the terrorist fire and a ‎meeting has been set for Wednesday ‎afternoon.‎

Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Danny Danon called on ‎the ‎Security Council and U.N. Secretary General ‎Antonio ‎Guterres to "strongly condemn Hamas and hold ‎the ‎terrorist organization accountable for these ‎latest ‎attacks."‎

He later said that "the fact that the Security ‎Council ‎is holding a session on Hamas' offensives ‎against Israeli civilians is a positive step, but ‎the members of the Security Council must also take ‎firm action. They cannot suffice with words." ‎

Danon further urged the powerful U.N. body to ‎officially designate Hamas as a terrorist ‎organization.‎

U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley said Tuesday ‎that the Security Council "should be outraged and ‎respond" to the largest attack out of Gaza since ‎‎2014 "directed at innocent Israeli civilians. The ‎Palestinian leadership needs to be held accountable ‎for what they're allowing to happen in Gaza."‎

A spokesperson for the U.S. National Security ‎Council said, "We are aware of numerous mortar ‎attacks on Israel today [Tuesday] and are closely ‎monitoring the situation. We call on those launching ‎the attacks to cease this destructive violence. We ‎fully support Israel's right to self-defense and to ‎take action to prevent such provocations."‎

The French Foreign Ministry issued a statement ‎saying, "France utterly condemns the [Palestinian] ‎fire on [Israeli] civilian population. France is ‎unconditionally committed to Israel's security."‎

Britain's Minister of State for the Middle East and ‎North Africa Alistair Burt tweeted, "I condemn the ‎rocket fire from Gaza into Israel today. ‎Indiscriminate attacks against civilians, especially ‎those that risk killing or injuring children, are ‎completely unacceptable under any circumstances."‎

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau issued a ‎similar condemnation.‎

‎"Israel has every right to defend itself against ‎these deplorable attacks by the terrorist groups ‎Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Our thoughts are with ‎everyone affected today," he tweeted.‎

European Union Ambassador to Israel Emanuele ‎‎‎Giaufret said, "As kids were preparing for school ‎this morning, a ‎‎barrage of rockets from Gaza fell on ‎southern ‎‎Israel. One landed outside a kindergarten. ‎I know ‎‎the resilience of communities in southern ‎Israel but ‎‎indiscriminate attacks are totally ‎unacceptable and ‎‎to be condemned unreservedly."‎

A spokesperson for EU foreign policy chief Federica ‎Mogherini issued a statement saying, "The rocket and ‎mortar fire by Palestinian militants from Gaza ‎toward Israel must stop immediately. ‎

‎"Indiscriminate attacks against civilians are ‎completely unacceptable under any circumstances. A ‎de-escalation of this dangerous situation is ‎urgently needed to ensure that civilians' lives are ‎protected. Israelis and Palestinians both have the ‎right to live in peace, security and dignity: The ‎cycle of violence and despair has to be broken with ‎a genuine political process."‎

The United Nations' Middle East envoy Nickolay ‎Mladenov tweeted, "It is UNACCEPTABLE to ‎indiscriminately fire at civilian communities! I am ‎deeply concerned by today's rockets fired by ‎Palestinian militants towards Southern Israel, one ‎of which hit close to a kindergarten. Such actions ‎undermine efforts to improve the situation in Gaza." ‎

Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney tweeted, "I ‎strongly condemn firing of rockets from Gaza at ‎Israel today - I continue to advocate strongly for ‎people of Gaza who live in impossible conditions - ‎but this Hamas led violence undermines Palestinian ‎cause [and] is counterproductive to political ‎progress."‎