Israeli farmers take Hamas to international court over ‎agricultural terrorism ‎

Israeli farmers whose lands have been devastated by fires caused by Palestinian ‎incendiary kites and balloons announced Sunday that ‎they plan to seek International Criminal Court ‎action against Hamas‏ ‏leaders Ismail Haniyeh and ‎Yahya Sinwar.‎

The Shurat HaDin Israel Law Center, which is representing the farmers, issued a press release saying the Hamas leaders are guilty of crimes under ‎the Rome Statute, the treaty that ‎established the ‎ICC, including agricultural terrorism, using ‎‎children in combat, and using the Gaza Strip's civilian ‎population as human shields. ‎

Authorities say that over the past month 300 incendiary ‎kites and balloons have been ‎sent over the Israel-Gaza Strip border, sparking over 100 fires in Israeli communities near ‎the border, reducing thousands of acres of farmland to ash and causing damage amounting to tens of millions of shekels.

Local farmers say the environmental damage caused by ‎the fires is massive and it is only a ‎matter of time before a fire claims lives. ‎

The press release says the ‎planned lawsuit comes in response to the Palestinian ‎Authority's stated intention to pursue ICC actions ‎against Israel over its handling of the recent border ‎riots. ‎

The farmers are seeking 100,000 signatures for their ‎petition to The Hague. Since launching it Sunday, ‎they have acquired 10,000 signatories.‎

According to the Jewish Press, if successful, the ‎ICC lawsuit will be the first civilian response to ‎Hamas' kite terrorism. ‎

‎"Join the lawsuit against Hamas in The Hague," the ‎farmers' petition reads.‎

‎"Hamas has organized riots along the Gaza border and ‎urges its population to infiltrate Israel. They have ‎called on the Palestinian public to attack Israelis ‎in their homes and threatened to kidnap and murder ‎as many [Israelis] as possible. ‎

‎"Youths in Gaza are being encouraged to carry out ‎cross-border arson attacks against Israeli farmers ‎using incendiary kites. This twisted strategy ‎centers on causing civilian casualties and ‎generating the condemnation of Israel. Hamas' actions ‎violate international law and constitute war ‎crimes."

Shurat HaDin Director Nitzana Darshan-‎Leitner issued a statement saying, "Israel will not ‎remain silent. The current security situation, in ‎which fields and forests in Israel are burned every ‎day by members of a terrorist organization, is ‎inconceivable.‎

‎"It cannot be that senior Hamas officials ‎accuse Israel of war crimes while using the civilian ‎population, especially children, as human shields ‎for their terrorist activities. Therefore, we call ‎on the International Criminal Court in The Hague to ‎exact justice upon them."

Rafi Babian of Sdot Negev Regional Council ‎told Israel Hayom that he signed the petition ‎"because I think we need to ‎act."

‎"Not giving them [the Palestinians] any humanitarian ‎help is not realistic, but if the world fails to ‎understand the situation and we are the 'bad guys,' we ‎have no choice. We have to speak their language and ‎show the massive damage they cause us. Our cry will ‎reach The Hague. If they [the Palestinians] think ‎that they can break us with a few kites and economic ‎damage, they are wrong," he said. ‎

Ofer Lieberman of Kibbutz Nir Am told Israel Hayom, "If the Palestinians want to fight us in The ‎Hague on war crimes, then it's time they know that ‎what they're doing are war crimes. When they send ‎children to the [border] fence, that's a war crime. ‎When they send kites and balloons to torch our ‎fields and forests, that's a war crime. The world ‎should know what they are doing when they come to ‎demonstrate near the fence. They want to try to ‎kill us and drive us off this land."