Israel's newly passed amendment to the Basic Law: Jerusalem, which requires a special majority to relinquish control over any part of Jerusalem, is a "declaration of war on the Palestinian people," the Palestinian Authority said Tuesday.
Responding to the Knesset's decision to require a majority of 80 out of 120 MKs to approve any division of Jerusalem, Nabil Abu Rudeineh, a spokesman for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, issued a statement saying that U.S. President Donald Trump's Dec. 6 declaration recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel "and the vote on the Jerusalem law in the Knesset clearly show that Israel is officially declaring an end to the peace process and declaring war on the Palestinian people and their religious and national identity."
A spokesman for the Jordanian government also condemned the legislation, warning Israel of the "risks of the steps it has recently enacted."
Although the law the Knesset passed on Tuesday bars the government from ceding Israeli sovereignty over any part of Jerusalem without the approval of at least 80 MKs, the amendment itself can be overturned with a simple majority, making it largely symbolic.