Dr. Reuven Berko


When the 'agent of peace' cries for jihad

There are those who claim that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is the last agent of Palestinian peace; that he has conceded the "right of return," is opposed to terror and the religious war "toward which the leaders of Israel are moving." According to this approach, Israel has to grab him tight and not let him go before we can sign a peace agreement, lest he leaves and is replaced by far more objectionable successors.

The Americans' recognition of a united Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and their intention to transfer their embassy from Tel Aviv in May 2018 – to coincide with the date of the Palestinian "nakba" (catastrophe) and the first days of fasting during the holy Muslim month of Ramadan – has wrenched Abbas from his closet of fraud and pushed him into a confrontational position, assuming of course that "the stranger doesn't understand" what he says in Arabic.

The PA president's most recent speech to the Islamic nation, from Al-Azhar University in Cairo on January 17, was for all intents and purposes a blatant call for religious war against Israel. That speech preceded Hamas' threat that relocating the American Embassy would spark the fuse that will ignite the region, and calls from groups such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine to renew the armed struggle.

Abbas also adhered to an apocalyptic pathos, quoting from the Quran's Surah Al-Isra (The Night Journey), which contains the Prophet Muhammad's vision of the destruction of Israel and Jewish Jerusalem, Islam's impending conquest of the city, and its role as the key to peace and war: "You will work great mischief twice in the land and will become overbearingly arrogant. When the occasion of the first of the two mischiefs came, O Israelites, we raised against you such of our servants who were very mighty and formidable; so they penetrated through all parts of your country. This was a warning that was bound to be fulfilled. … Then, when the time came for the fulfillment of the second warning [to slaughter the Jews], we set other enemies [the Palestinians] on you so that they might disfigure your faces and enter into the temple [the Temple Mount] just as the former enemies had entered and destroyed whatever they could lay their hands on."

The absurdity is self-evident: On one hand, Abbas denies that we are the descendants of the Israelites and on the other, he calls for our destruction in a religious war, specifically within the framework of the Quran's prophecy about the "Israelites."

According to Abbas, Jerusalem is holy only to Islam and Christianity and time is coming to an end for Israel the usurper. The embrace of Christians in his speech was contradictory and manipulative and enough to make one sick, because he also accuses the hostile Westerners, the alleged descendants of the "Crusaders," of planting Israel as a "foreign object" on Islamic soil to do their bidding.

In the meantime, on behalf of the Palestinians – who have built a fortification on the front lines ("ribat") against Israel and are charged with the godly mission of destroying it – Abbas in his speech called upon the Islamic nation to help in the struggle to "liberate Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Palestine, from the hands of the occupier."

The Palestinian lie molds reality, in both a religious and historical sense. In his pathetic speech "the president" linked the Palestinians to the heretic peoples who inhabited this land over 5,000 years ago, such as the Canaanites and Jebusites – to prove that the Palestinians preceded the people of Israel – while flagrantly ignoring that the land was promised to the Israelites, as the chosen people, in the Quran.

The fact that these ancient peoples were completely eradicated by Joshua while the people of Israel inherited the holy land, to which the Quran attests, is of no matter to the Palestinians. On the contrary, some Palestinians actually claim they are the true Israelites. Abbas' obsession with the identities of his various forefathers, however, raises certain dubious questions about the Palestinians' anonymous matriarch and her behavior.

Meanwhile, because they lack an established genealogical line, the Palestinians are instead trying to negate the Quran's designation of the Israelites as inheritors of the land. In this vein, they call us "Khazars," a rabble, and forgers of history.

Within the framework de-legitimizing Israel, Abbas was willing to include the Christians as his partner with rights to Jerusalem and to grant us a "permit" to visit his holy capital. The PA president has not internalized that the Christians, who are in truth important, have already had their say and that it is pointless to persist with this hypocrisy. He has not understood that even if Muhammad's night journey to Jerusalem really happened and the city is in fact holy to Islam, it does not serve as a reason to make it the capital of "Palestine" – just as Mecca is not the capital of Saudi Arabia.

The speeches delivered by Abbas and his ilk fly under our radar, but the messages they contain percolate into the heart of every terrorist with a knife, vehicle, gun and bomb. Lo and behold, Abbas of all people, the long-time "opponent of violence," boasted in his speech that more than 30 "shahids" (martyrs) have fallen on the altar of "peaceful" resistance since Trump's declaration. It is Abbas, by quoting from the Quran, who is motivating the religious war against Israel. Well, for such an endeavor, it is quite enough to have Ramallah as the capital.

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