There is a clear through-line from the actors who worked throughout history to prevent Israel from becoming the state of the Jewish people and a Jewish, democratic state. In recent years, sadly, they include Israeli citizens who treat their own country as an enemy.
The human rights watchdog B'Tselem has made it a goal to hold Israel and the actions of the IDF up to international scrutiny. While the Israeli public loathes and opposes the organization's activity, B'Tselem has chosen to join our enemies in their campaign of slander and lies. The campaign, which crosses borders and continents, has now landed at the center of the diplomatic stage. Having been invited by Bolivia's ambassador to the U.N., B'Tselem Executive Director Hagai El-Ad will speak at an official meeting of the U.N. Security Council, the U.N.'s most influential branch, whose decisions shape the international arena.
Aside from his ally from Bolivia, who calls IDF soldiers "murderers," El-Ad will be welcomed with open arms by representatives of the Palestinians and some European nations that send him tens of thousands of euros annually so he can keep spreading his words of hatred for IDF soldiers and the state of Israel.
Our enemies will turn the Security Council meeting, which is supposed to discuss the "Middle East," into a debate against our soldiers. The council will not discuss terrorism by Hamas and rocket fire on Beersheba or the chemical weapons attacks in Syria. The discussion will be limited to attacks on the only democracy in the Middle East.
The standout example of the strength of our democracy is the freedom of expression enjoyed by groups like B'Tselem, which are known as civil society organizations but which actually serve as a mouthpiece to slander the IDF. Most U.N. member nations would send local versions of groups like B'Tselem to prison, at best, and not allow them to slander their countries in the U.N.
Today, two Israelis will be sitting at the U.N. Security Council table. The B'Tselem representative is on the side of the Palestinians and those who wish us ill. I will be sitting on the side of truth, which will expose the Palestinian incitement, the disgrace of B'Tselem's lies and those of the rest of the groups that fan the flames of hatred for Israel.