Amnon Lord

Amnon Lord is a veteran journalist, film critic, writer, and editor.

The hypocrisy of the UNHRC

"What was supposed to be a conference against racism turned into a conference of racism against Israel and the Jewish people. A conference to commemorate the dismantling of South Africa as an apartheid state called for the dismantling of Israel as an apartheid state. A conference that was supposed to be dedicated to the protection and promotion of human rights increasingly spoke about Israel as being a mega-violator of human rights," former Canadian Justice Minister Irwin Cotler wrote about the infamous Durban Conference of 2001 that put together the master plan for the destruction of the State of Israel.

There is no doubt that for years, the U.N. Human Rights Council has been operating according to the Durban Platform. It makes no difference that many UNHRC member nations – Syria, Libya, China, and plenty of others – are grotesque examples of "protecting" human rights. The U.N. itself and the UNHRC in particular comprise the main assembly line for anti-Semitism in the world today.

If the UNHRC was only influential in Arab nations or in China, it would not matter so much. The problem is that it is respected in western nations like Germany, France, Britain, and the U.S. that give the anti-Israeli body its legitimacy. The U.S. withdrawal from the UNHRC is good news. It is the beginning of delegitimizing a harmful entity based on attacking Israel and the Israel Defense Forces.

It is typical that the besmirched President Donald Trump is the one taking this important step – he and legendary U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley, who we are waiting with baited breath to announce her own candidacy for president.

We can compare these two to their predecessors, former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power and President Barack Obama. Obama had a very specific policy of aggrandizing the U.N. as representing a sort of superpower, and through it, he used Israel as a pawn and even struck the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran.

"Human rights cannot be used as a platform for national suicide," former Chief Justice Aharon Barak said. In this generation, human rights are being exploited to assist terrorism, particularly Palestinian terrorism. International law enforcement entities are vital. But if they operate under Palestinian pressure to criminalize Israel, the system could use a good shaking up.

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