Maj. Gen. (res.) Gershon Hacohen

Maj. Gen. (res.) Gershon Hacohen is a senior research fellow at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies.

Is toppling Hamas necessary?

The criticism over the early conclusion of the last ‎round of hostilities in the Gaza Strip, "before a ‎decisive result was achieved," is not new and is ‎similar to the disappointment of a crowd ‎watching a boxing match that failed to end with a ‎knockout. ‎

In light of this disappointment, one must ask ‎whether there is now even a need ‎to quash Hamas' rule because, unlike in the boxing ring, ‎the results of a military campaign must be judged in ‎a wide, strategic context.‎

Hamas leaders may have been eager to conclude the ‎fighting, but unlike in Israel, their eagerness had ‎nothing to do with a desire to resume their public's ‎normal routine. Gaza has not seen a productive daily ‎routine in years and Hamas has done nothing to help ‎its rehabilitation. ‎

This illustrates the core difference between ‎Israel's interests and those driving Hamas: As far ‎as Israel is concerned, the ability to resume the ‎public's daily routine nationwide – and especially ‎in the border-adjacent communities – represents ‎victory. Hamas and Iran, for their part, seek to ‎destabilize life in Israel by any means necessary ‎and care very little about how that might affect the ‎Palestinians in Gaza.‎

Those urging the government to topple Hamas' regime share a desire to see the IDF deal the ‎terrorist group a final blow, and warn that any ‎cease-fire will be temporary – as if anything lasts ‎forever.‎

The issues plaguing Gaza are highly complex and ‎complex issues cannot be solved by temporary ‎solutions. Renowned American diplomat Henry ‎Kissinger once said, "Each success only buys an ‎admission ticket to a more difficult problem." So ‎let's say we follow those who urge Israel to seize ‎control of Gaza, topple the Hamas regime, and hand the ‎Strip back to the Palestinian Authority to rule. Is ‎that really in Israel's best interest?‎

Answering this question requires addressing three ‎questions: First, is making a decisive move ‎desirable for Israel under the existing strategic ‎circumstances? Second, what are the chances of such ‎a move yielding the desired result of a stable ‎Palestinian government in Gaza? And third, does it ‎truly serve Israel's interest to potentially spill ‎the blood of its own soldiers to reinstate Fatah's ‎rule in Gaza? ‎

In October 2001, for example, the Americans ‎succeeded in dismantling Taliban forces in ‎Afghanistan within three weeks. Since then, despite ‎huge investments, the area has remained largely ‎destabilized. The American-led war on the Islamic ‎State group in Mosul took nine months – who's to say ‎a similar battle in Gaza would be any shorter?‎

Perhaps we should focus on a more burning question – ‎deciding between the proponents of the two-state ‎solution who advocate returning to the 1967 lines ‎and dividing Jerusalem, and those who argue that the ‎two-state solution poses a strategic threat – before ‎we focus on whether or not Israel should defeat ‎Hamas in Gaza. ‎

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