Much was made recently of the criminal army known as the Wagner Group. They do not conform to conventional military morals or comply with international military law.
They were, until they threatened to turn against him, Russian President Vladimir Putin's proxy army that operated more brutally, but with greater military success, than his conventional army. One thinks this is unique but consider this.
Consider Hezbollah as Iran's Wagner Group. Operating under no international constraints, they now control the country in which they are based, Lebanon. They also operate freely in Syria, a country led by a dictator who has mass murdered his own people and is in need of additional muscle. In his case Iran's Wagner Group – Hezbollah.
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Which brings us to the Palestinian Wagner Group – Hamas. Also sponsored by Iran, Hamas usurped power in the Gaza Strip by using unacceptable methods to kill many security personnel of the Palestinian Authority. Today the PA cannot step foot in Gaza which is totally controlled by the Palestinian Wagner Group. As with the Russian WG, Hamas bows to no one and obeys no one, certainly not the PA.
So much so that this Palestinian Wagner Group has imposed itself on the towns outside of the Gaza Strip that are officially supposed to be under the authority of the PA.
Truth be told, despite the political rivalry, there is a symbiotic relationship between the PA and Hamas. The Mahmoud Abbas-led Palestinian Authority undertakes the hate indoctrination of its people against Israel and Jews, and it is Hamas that executes the violence and terrorism.
It is strange, or maybe it isn't, that no country, no international organization, not the UN, those that profess an aim to create a peaceful solution between Israel and the Palestinians, make any demand, or impose any penalty on this Palestinian Wagner Group and return control of the Gaza Strip, and the other towns in which they operate, to the Palestinian Authority.
I did not begin to write this article with the intent of being a spokesman for, or heaven forbid, a PA advocate. I merely point out that, given the uncontrolled freedom of illicit armies operating in ways that conflict with internationally defined rules of war, this will inevitably lead to dark forces usurping power, with other dangerous forces following the illegal examples of the Wagner Group, Hezbollah, and Hamas, making the world a far more dangerous place.
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