Israel Hayom is keeping its readership edge over Yedioth Ahronoth for both weekday and weekend editions, a survey published Thursday by TGI reveals.
The survey, which measures the exposure of all media outlets in Israel, found that in 2018 Israel Hayom was the most-read newspaper in the country, with a readership of 29%, compared to 25.7% for Yedioth.
From July-December 2018, Israel Hayom had an average exposure of 28.2% for its daily edition, compared to 24.1% exposure for the Yedioth daily. Haaretz and the financial daily Globes both had exposure of 4%.
The Israel Hayom weekend edition enjoyed an average readership exposure of 30.2%, compared to 29.6% for the Yedioth weekend paper.
While Israel Hayom continues to lead in readership, consumption of printed newspapers continues to drop. The TGI survey indicates that in the period of January-July 2016, 57.7% of the population read a daily newspaper, compared to the second half (July-December) 2018, when that number dropped to 41.6%.
Weekend newspaper readership as a whole dropped from 58.9% in the first half of 2016 to 46.4% in the second half of 2018.