PM Netanyahu, Russia's Putin have 'good meeting' on ‎sidelines of Paris summit

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and ‎Russian President Vladimir Putin met Sunday at a ‎World War I memorial service in Paris. This was the ‎two leaders' first meeting since the Sept. 17 ‎downing of a Russian plane by Syrian air defenses ‎trying to counter an Israeli airstrike on Iranian ‎assets in the war-torn country. ‎

‎"The conversation with President Putin was good and ‎businesslike. I would even describe it as very ‎important," Netanyahu told reporters, adding that he ‎also spoke there with U.S. President Donald Trump.‎

Relations between Israel and Moscow have been tense ‎since the plane's downing. Following the incident, ‎Russia delivered S-300 surface-to-air missiles to ‎Syria, despite Israel's warnings that the deployment ‎of such weapons may further destabilize the region.‎

Israel and Russia have maintained a military ‎coordination mechanism for Syria as Russia has ‎provided key air support to President Bashar Assad's ‎forces, while Israel has carried out dozens of ‎strikes against Iran-linked forces.‎