As the controversy over images of leader of Britain's Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn laying a wreath at the graves of Black September terrorists continues to rage, while the party faces harsh criticism for its failure to address rising anti-Semitism in its ranks, the British Sun reported last week that Corbyn twice shared a stage with Palestinian terrorist hijacker Leila Khaled.
According to the Sun report, published this weekend, Corbyn appeared at events with Khaled – a terrorist operative with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine who blew up the nose of a passenger jet in 1969 and was part of an attempt to hijack an El Al passenger aircraft en route from Amsterdam to New York in 1970 – in 2002 and again at a pro-Palestinian conference in Lebanon, where both Corbyn and Khaled gave keynote speeches.

A spokesman for Corbyn said that the Labour leader had a "long and principled record of solidarity with the Palestinian people."
Meanwhile, new details have emerged about the terrorists alongside whom Corbyn was photographed in Tunisia four years ago when he placed a wreath at the memorial to the terrorists who murdered 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics.
Corbyn was snapped standing next to Maher al-Taher, a leader of the PFLP (the same terrorist organization of which Khaled is a member). A month after the picture was taken, the PFLP carried out a terrorist attack at a yeshiva in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Har Nof, killing four rabbis and one police officer.
Corbyn was also photographed next to Fatima Bernawi, who tried to blow up a Jerusalem movie theater in 1967.
A spokesman for Corbyn said in response to the latest report that the Labour leader had a "long and principled record of solidarity with the Palestinian people."
The Sun also quoted a new poll saying that the controversy over Corbyn placing a wreath at the memorial to the Munich terrorists could cost him the next election.