Anti-Israel activists push EU ‎to exclude Israel from research projects ‎

Anti-Israel activists in Europe have renewed their efforts to exclude ‎Israel from the European Union's next research and development ‎initiative, Israeli officials said. ‎

Israel is part of the current R&D initiative, Horizon 2020.

The next ‎program, dubbed FP9, ‎will run from 2021 to 2027 and lays the foundation for Horizon Europe, an ambitious €100 ‎billion ($117 billion) research and innovation program meant to ‎succeed Horizon 2020, the eighth framework program.‎

Israel, a world-renowned innovation hub, has been the top ‎dependent on these funds among non-EU member states.

But ‎earlier this month, hundreds of European Parliament members received a letter signed by ‎‎154 groups, organizations and unions from 16 ‎countries, urging the EU "to uphold its legal responsibilities and ‎exclude Israeli military companies from EU framework programs."

The letter is titled "No EU Money to the Israeli Arms Industry."

"The EU has been funding security-industrial research ‎for many years," it claims.

"European taxpayers' money is being ‎channeled to military companies, among them many Israeli ‎corporations, under the disguise of research and a promise that the ‎technologies and techniques developed will be used solely for ‎civilian purposes.‎

‎"One of the ways in which arms and military companies have ‎gained access to EU funding is through the current EU Program for ‎Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020. This includes many Israeli ‎military companies. Although the EU claims that research funds ‎have gone only to projects with civilian applications, many of the ‎projects approved are of dual-use nature serving military interests ‎as well. Many others serve policies that curb or violate refugees' ‎rights and militarize our societies.‎

"The EU's cooperation with Israeli military companies is proof that ‎dual-use projects are inherently serving military purposes as well. ‎Isaac Ben-Israel, chairman of the Israel Space Agency, put it ‎bluntly, saying, 'Because we are a small country, if you build a ‎small-satellite production line, say at IAI, it will be used for military ‎and for commercial purposes.'

"There are many indications that the ‎EU's 'border control' policies are built on concepts and technologies ‎that violate human rights. … Well-documented reports show how ‎Israeli companies have a unique selling strategy, capitalizing on the ‎fact that Israeli technology is 'battle-proven' during illegal actions ‎and policies of 'border control' and 'population control' in the ‎context of occupation and colonization.‎

‎"Israeli military and homeland security companies, such as the ‎Israel Aerospace Industries, have played a role in fortifying the ‎borders of Bulgaria and Hungary, in the EU maritime surveillance ‎programs, and in Frontex [the European Border and Coast ‎Guard Agency] in general. The EU refuses to take into ‎account the grave misconduct of companies as well as the origin ‎and possible destination of such technology thereby violating its ‎own rules and regulations."‎

The signatories urge European lawmakers, among other things, ‎‎"to immediately exclude all Israeli military and security companies ‎from the EU framework programs, given that an analysis of past ‎projects has shown that their participation in these programs ‎inherently involves EU support for the development and ‎legitimization of and profiting from technology and methodology ‎used by Israel in the context of war crimes and human rights ‎violations."‎

By January 2017, Israel had invested some €1.37 billion ($1.6 billion) to be ‎included in the program. ‎

Israeli officials are concerned that if the pro-Palestinian ‎activists ‎have their way, Israel will lose billions of dollars in ‎technological and ‎scientific R&D grants.‎