Ahead of Israel's 70th Independence Day, ambassadors from a number of nations issued congratulations, reflecting on their countries' close ties with the Jewish state and lauding the common values shared between them.
"Seventy years ago, President [Harry] Truman courageously was first to recognize the reborn State of Israel," U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said in his missive.
"This historic action, taken only 11 minutes after Israel's own Declaration of Independence, marked the beginning of a relationship not seen before – or since – between two nations. A relationship that is as deep as it is wide, reflecting the common values of freedom, democracy, pluralism, and human rights.
"As Israel achieves this important milestone, I am both humbled and honored that under President [Donald] Trump, we have reached even new heights, with his equally courageous and historic decision to be the first to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Yom Atzmaut Sameach [Happy Independence Day]!"

British Ambassador to Israel David Quarrey said, "Six months ago, we marked with pride the centenary of the Balfour Declaration, and now we are delighted to join the celebrations of Israel's 70th anniversary.
"Even the declaration's most ardent supporters could not have anticipated Israel's spectacular achievements in science, tech, the environment and culture. The U.K. and Israel now have a thriving contemporary partnership, which is increasingly important to both countries.
"I am particularly proud of the strength of our multi-billion annual trade, and of the hundreds of U.K. and Israeli scientists working together to solve some of humanity's greatest challenges. There will be no better way to celebrate that partnership than through the visit this summer of Prince William. Yom Atzmaut Sameach!"
Indian Ambassador Pavan Kapoor said, "I would like to congratulate the State of Israel on the 70th anniversary of its independence.
"I am very pleased that bilateral relations between India and Israel have recently strengthened considerably in traditional areas like agriculture, water and defense, and have also diversified into new fields like education, space, cyber and innovation.
"The historical visit of the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Israel in July 2017, and the return visit of Prime Minister Netanyahu to India in January 2018, have given a strong impetus to this growing partnership. As we move forward, we are determined to promote more exchanges of culture, trade and tourism between the peoples of our two countries through enhanced air connectivity and other measures."
Japan's Ambassador Koji Tomita said, "On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Independence Day of the State of Israel, I would like to convey my heartfelt greetings on behalf of the government of Japan and congratulate each and every citizen of Israel for the remarkable achievements you have made since its independence in 1948.
"Last year, we celebrated the 65th anniversary of our diplomatic relations since 1952. It is my honor and pleasure to see, especially the recent, accelerated partnership and cooperation between our two countries. For example, the volume of direct investment from Japan to Israel in 2017 increased to 120 times that in 2013. The tourism exchanges in both directions also increased to 160% in 2017 from 2015.
"I have strong confidence that with your optimism, passion, creativity, innovative mind and strong determination that led your country here, you will continue your endeavor to achieve lasting peace in the region. I assure you that Japan will always be a trusted partner.
"Wishing our ties will be even fostered in the coming decades. Happy Independence Day, Israel."

German Ambassador to Israel Clemens von Goetze said in a statement that for Germany, "the 70th anniversary of the State of Israel is a day of joy and deep gratitude. After the incredible crimes of the Shoah [Holocaust] perpetrated by Germans against the Jews, the close friendship that has grown between our two countries is a miracle.
"From our common history comes the German responsibility to keep alive the memory of the victims, to support the existence and security of Israel and to strongly fight against any form of anti-Semitism.
"Beyond the trusting political relationships, the German-Israeli friendship is further deepened by cultural ventures, scientists, entrepreneurs, volunteers, students and tourists, all of whom are ambassadors of our countries' unique relationship."
Russian Ambassador to Israel Alexander Shein said the strong relationship between his country and Israel is "based on mutual respect and covers a myriad of spheres of great importance to the welfare and security of our peoples."
He lauded the growing economic, trade and cultural relationship and said both nations "oppose the attempts to rewrite history and praise Nazi hangmen." He also wished Israel peace, prosperity and progress.
Australian Ambassador to Israel Chris Cannan said Israel's rise as a dynamic and thriving democracy was "an inspiration to the world's nations."
He said Australia was "proud to be part of Israel's story," and lauded the robust security, economic and technological cooperation between the two that "maintain a close relationship despite their geographical distance."

Greek Ambassador Konstantinos Bikas extolled "Israel's accomplishments in just 70 years," saying, "In this short time you have developed a thriving economy and have become a global leader of science, innovation, agriculture and startups.
"The ties between our peoples are rooted in history and the present and growing cooperation between our two countries contribute to mutual prosperity and the promotion of peace, security and stability in our region."
French ambassador Hélène Le Gal said the "relationship between France, home to the biggest Jewish community in Europe, and Israel, date back to Israel's first days and today they are dynamic and thriving.
"Together we fight terrorism and anti-Semitism and collaborate in various fields." She said more than 180 cultural events will take place this year to celebrate the French-Israeli friendship.