A radical group of self-proclaimed "anti-fascists" violently disrupted a free speech event at King's College in Cambridge on Tuesday. One of the panelists at the event, which was organized by the KCL Libertarian Society, was Ayn Rand Institute Director Dr. Yaron Brook, an Israeli.
Also on the panel was YouTube personality "Sargon of Akkad," whose real name is Carl Benjamin.
In video footage published online, the masked protesters are seen forcing their way into the King's College London lecture hall and grabbing the speakers' microphones before smashing windows, setting off smoke bombs and leaving notes threatening the moderator.
According to the British Daily Mail, several security guards were punched and hospitalized. Police were called to the scene but no arrests were made.
"Ten to 15 people dressed all in black, with black hoods and black face masks, leaped over the barriers and instantly engaged in a fight with two or three security guards," a student eyewitness told the Daily Mail.
"They [the security guards] tried to stop the [protesters] but they just started punching them in the face. One guard, a gray-haired gentleman who looked to be around 60, received several punches," the student recounted.
Some protesters were also waving the Antifa (anti-fascist) flag.
The Ayn Rand Institute, a leading right-wing libertarian think tank, is often maligned by left-wing activists, particularly by militant groups such as Antifa.
Event organizer Danny Al-Khafaji said: "This was an explicit attempt by those opposed to the free exchange of ideas and rational debate, to undermine the principle of freedom of speech. We will not be deterred from fighting against the authoritarian nature of safe spaces and no-platform policies. We believe freedom will prevail."